Mr. J and Sons, custom home builders in Corpus Christi, Texas, specialize in building residential and multi-family homes. We build custom homes everywhere from Corpus Christi, to on the Island, and Port Aransas. This allows you the opportunity to choose from several lots that we have available for building, from beautiful lots next to the water, to lots situated in elegant subdivisions.

     In addition, we have also have several luxurious rental properties, right on the water! Call or e-mail us about available rental units, building, or buying your next home on the Texas Gulf Coast. 

     With over thirty-two years in the home building business and hundreds of custom houses built, Mr. J and Sons have established themselves prominently in the Coastal Bend area.  

Best of the Best   Builders Association   Energy Star   Better Business Bureau







"Thank you for an extremely satisfying endeavor"






 "Thank you for helping us achieve a comfortable, attractive and well built home."

-Clifford and Veree



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